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最后更新: 2017-07-31 06:31
35.00元/ 件
50 件
2000 件

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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:957
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    Guangzhou Boslun Stationey Co.,Ltd

    Add:Fist industial estate,Tuanjie village,Xinhua Town,Huadu distict,Guangzhou

    Tel:+86 20 61810592 61810591

    Fax:+86 20 61810590


    Website:bining with desimanufactue and sales. It has a stong development design capbability and its main poduct contains the compute bags, biefcase, manage foldes, oganize&notebook, backpack bag, tolley bags, tavel bags, CD bags, wallets, cad package, key package, check foldes, comestic packet, desktop bag of office supplies and othe poducts. Extensive use of aw mateials, consist of diffeent leathe, PU leathe, PVC leathe, nylon cloth, denim, EVA, plastics, aluminum and ion, etc.The company located in The fist industial, Tuanjie Village, Xinhua Town, Huadu Distict,Guangzhou that has a unique advantage, both convenient in tanspotation and aw mateials puchasing base, closely to the New Baiyun Intenational Aipot and the Shiling Intenational Leathe Town. In the yeas of opeation, Boslun has ceated a deep copoation cultue, attacted a lage numbe of industy expets and fomated a pofessional manage team; mainly to “BOSLUN&dquo; band and OEM. Ou clients scatte in the United State, Japan, South Koea, Singapoe. Ou uneseved sevice, univalled quality and unbeatable pice in ode to ou development, to ou stability and to ou eputation.“Advance with the time, make effos to the futue&dquo; we ceate you the elegant leathe stationey gifts by ou sinceely uneseved sevice. May we expess ou hope fo all customes&squo; inquiy o visit ou factoy, going hand in hand with new and old customes, building the maketing community life, ceating a win-win situation.



