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    about Us

    Guangzhou Yamian Textile Copoation Ltd which gew out of Guangzhou Yamian Towel Company was found in 2002. Regading the customization of towel textile as the leading content ,We ae a pofessional towel manufactuing entepises having integated the ability of poduct design, poduction and sales. We equip poduction plant and logistics waehousing cente both in Jiangsu and Guangdong povince to meet the demand of ou custome bette, faste and moe pofessional. Because of the concentation and unemitting effots fo ten yeas, We has developed into one of the best copoation in the field of domestic advetising gift towel. Ou poduction ae expoted to Euope and Ameica, southeast Asia, Afica and cental Asia, Which have eceived high eputation fom evey consumes and custome.

    Yamian Co,Ltd aims at continuous impovement and innovation. We have impoted moe than twenty advanced apie loom fom Italy, five emboidey machine and dozens of sewing equipments to fulfill ou poduct optimization, equipment updating and upgading. To seek bette aw mateials, we have developed and poduced cotton yan impoted fom Pakistan, staple cotton towel impoted fom Egypt besides domestic finest pue natual cotton. We stictly follow the ules of 'National textile industy association standad' and Euopean Union ROSH envionmental standad in ou poduction testing.

    At pesent, ou main poduction as follows: pue cotton flat weave/figued towels,bath towel and bath obe fo hotels etc; pue cotton towel,hand towel,bath towel fo family etc; advetising towel,gift towel ,pomotion towel, bath towel box suit etc; towel, hand towel and bath towel poduced by pue natual bamboo fibe; supefine fibe towel, clean towel, cosmetology towel, etc; active pinting towel, bath towel and beach towel, etc; compessed towel, golf towel, yan-dyed towel, spots towels, etc. We can also customize senio pesonalized towel poducts and take odes such as OEM,ODM accoding to the demand of entepise and custome.

    In accodance with the idea of good faith management and quality fist, we pomote eseach and development elying on the technology of factoy, specify sales flow elying on the management of company to keep developing step by step. Hope to advance hand in hand with numeouscommecialcompany, giftwae company and othes engaged in elated industies. Hot line:400-000-2528.






    业务Q Q:2851533258



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